FAIRTRADE: Guarantees a better deal for Third World Producers
FAIRTRADE: A Fair Price Buy FAIRTRADE Coffee FAIRTRADE bananas Buy FAIRTRADE chocolate




About >>


FAIRTRADE is a long term initiative for continuous improvement of the lives of producers and workers.

Producers are guaranteed a minimum price, which covers basic food, housing, health and education needs.

The FAIRTRADE price is based on the actual costs of production.

The FAIRTRADE label guarantees that a large part of the cost paid by the consumer actually reaches the producer. The FAIRTRADE Mark is the only independent guarantee that producers in the Developing World receive a fair price for their products.

FAIRTRADE Mark Ireland

FAIRTRADE Mark Ireland awards the FAIRTRADE label in Ireland to products which meet internationally recognised standards. FAIRTRADE Mark Ireland is a small charity, supported by Amnesty International, Christian AID, Comhlamh, Concern, Oxfam, Trocaire, Actionaid Ireland, Comhlamh, War on Want Northern Ireland and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.

The organisation is based in Dublin and active throughout Ireland via a support network of dedicated volunteers involved in the promotion of FAIRTRADE Mark products.


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